Wednesday, October 16, 2013

As Jesum Per Mariam Catholic Lay Ministry - Exposition of Relics

The As Jesum Per Mariam Catholic Lay Ministry has a list of relics in their custody.
One may request an exposition of these relics (scroll to bottom of this post for the link).

Here is the list of their relics:

List of Relics in Their Exposition

  • Saint Angela Merici - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Arcangelo Tadini - Ex Corpore and Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Charbel Makhlouf - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Clelia Barbieri - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint Cresentia Ann Hoss - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint Damien of Molokai - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Dorothy - Ex Linteo Attacto Ossibus***
  • Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini - Ex Capillis*
  • Saint Gabrielle Posentti - Ex Ossibus and Ex Cineribus*
  • Saint Geltrude Comensoli - Ex Corpore*
  • Saint Gemma Galganni - Ex Indumentis and Ex Corpore*
  • Saint Gerard Majella - Ex Linetis*
  • Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Giovanni Piamarta - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint John Neumann - Ex Arca Sepulerali*
  • Saint John Mary Vianney - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint John of the Cross - Ex pulvere corporis*
  • Saint Joseph Moscatti - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint Joseph Freinademetz - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Katherine Drexel - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Leopold Mandic - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Lucy - Ex linteo attacto ossibus (from the cloth that touched the bones)***
  • Saint Luigi Orione - Ex Indumentis**
  • Saint Maria Goretti - Ex Corpore*
  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe - Ex Habito and Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Paul of the Cross - Ex Corpore*
  • Saint Peter Julian Eymard - Ex Indumentis***
  • Saint Rafael Arnaiz Baron - Ex arca sepulerali***
  • Saint Rita of Cascia - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Teresa of Avila - Ex pulvere corporis*
  • Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face - Ex Indumentis*
  • Saint Roque - Cloth Touched to his relics
  • Saint Vincent Strambi - Ex Ossibus*
  • Saint Zygmunt Felinski - Ex Ossibus*
  • First Martyrs of Rome - Soil from the Catacombs of Rome


  • Bl. Agnes of Jesus - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Alberto Marvelli - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Amigonian Martyrs - Ex Ossibus*
  • Bl. Angelo Paoli  - Ex Arca Sepulerali***
  • Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich  - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Antonio Rosmini - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Carlo Liviero - Ex Ossibus and Ex Indumentis*
  • Bl. Clemente Vismara - Ex Indumentis*
  • Bl. Elisabeth of the Holy Trinity - Ex Indumentis and Ex Corpore*
  • Bl. Elisabetta Vendramini - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Eusebia Palomino Yenes - Ex indumentis***
  • Bl. Francesco Pianzola - Ex Corpore*
  • Bl. Ignacy Klopotowski - Ex Ossibus and Ex Indumentis*
  • Bl. Isidore Bakanja - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. James Alberione - Ex Corpore*
  • Bl. Joseph Allamano - Ex Veste and Ex Arca Sepulerali*
  • Bl. Josaphata Hordashevska - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara - Ex Ossibus*
  • Bl. Peter Friedhofen - Ex Ossibus*
  • Bl. Pio Campidelli - Ex Corpore*
  • Bl. Pope John Paul II - Ex indumentis*
  • Bl. Pope Pius IX - Ex Indumentis*
  • Bl. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia - Ex Indumentis
  • Bl. Ma. Gabriella Sagheddu- Ex Corpore*
  • Bl. Marie-CĂ©line of the Presentation - Ex Indumentis *
  • Bl. Marie-Joseph Cassant - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Mary Pierina de Micheli - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified - Ex Ossibus*
  • Bl. Maria Rosa Pellesi - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Maria Sagrario de S. Luis Gonzaga - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Maria Serafina del Sacro Cuore - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Maria Teresa Tauscher - Ex indumentis and Ex Capilis*
  • Bl. Marcelina Darowska - Ex Indumentis*
  • Bl. Rita Amada de Jesus - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Tarsykia Olha Matskiv - Ex Indumentis**
  • Bl. Teresa Manganiello - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Timothy Giaccardo - Ex Indumentis***
  • Bl. Vasyl Velychkovsky - Ex linteo attacto ossibus (from the cloth that touched the bones)**
They also have numerous second class relic cards, too many to list here, that could, as with the relics above, be used for public veneration with permission of the ordinary.

The link to this list of relics available for exposition is below.

They also provide definitions for the various categories of relics:

Classes of Relics

1st Class Relic: a part of the Saint (bone, hair, etc.) and the instruments of Christ's passion. Below are some Relic Descriptions in Latin.ex ossibus - from the bone
ex carne - from the flesh
ex corpore - from the body
ex praecordis - from the stomach or intestine
ex cineribus - from the ashes
ex tela imbuta sanguine - from the cloth imbued with the blood
ex tela imbuta cineribus - from the cloth imbued with the ashes.
Ex Lignum Crucis D.N.J.C. - from the Wood of the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
2nd Class Relic: something owned by the Saint or instruments of torture used against a martyr. Below are some Relic Descriptions in Latin.
ex pallio - from the cloak
ex velo -from the veil
ex habitu - from the habit
ex indumentis - from the cloth
ex arca sepulerali - from the coffin
ex veste - from the vestment
ex linteo attacto ossibus - from the cloth that touched the bones

3rd Class Relic: something that has been touched to a 1st or 2nd Class Relic. You can make your own 3rd Class relics by touching an object to a 1st or 2nd Class Relic, including the tomb of a Saint. 
Also, they provide a prayer for the safeguarding of relics:

Prayer for the Safeguard of Relics

Protect O Lord Holy Father,
your Holy Servants from those who will desecrate their name and remains.
Guard the sanctity of their earthly remains for it is holy. 

Banish the evil intentions of those who desire to have them in possession.
May the prayers of the Saints in Glory whom we venerate,
propagate and safeguard, with all the angels in heaven,
help those who serve the church in their cause. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son,
who lives and reigns with you, in unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.
Here are their requirements for Hosting an Exposition:
Requirements for Hosting a Exposition of Relics
  • The Exposition is only available to the Diocese of Legazpi. For expositions outside the Diocese of Legazpi, contact us through our contacts tab
  • Please note that all expositions to be held in a parish church require the pastor's authorization.  Please obtain this before making your request.  (For a school, authorization is required from the principal.)
  • There is no cost for hosting an exposition.  This is to allow all parishes the opportunity to host an exposition.  There is also no collection taken at an exposition.  The only financial commitments for which a parish would be obligated are:  1) to make free will baskets available at the exposition for those who desire to make a donation; and, 2) to not have any simultaneous collections or fundraising occurring during an exposition. 
  • Parishes are required to make the parish hall or a large room at the parish available as the location for the display of relics.
  • Parishes or Sponsoring organizations are responsible for providing security at the Veneration and a responsible person or persons must always be present during the event to assure that none of the relics mysteriously "disappear." When the relics are not on public display, they should be held in a secure location.
  • Parishes or Sponsors are responsible for providing tables for the event and suitable coverings or table cloths.
  • Parishes or Sponsors are also responsible for providing an extension cord, power strip (set-up in the church); projector; laptop or Desktop Computer; small table on which to put a digital projector and computer (set-up in the church); a portable microphone; a clip-on microphone or a wireless microphone, if available, is best (for use in the church).
  • Parishes or Sponsoring organizations are responsible for any and all publicity for the Veneration and any printing costs for programs. We will provide the sponsoring organization with a master copy of a program for the event.
 Here is a link to this list of requirements:

Here is a link to the form to complete online if you wish to request an exposition of these relics:

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