Saturday, April 18, 2015

Many Saint Relics at Reliquary in Las Cruces, New Mexico

For All the Saints - Relics - Diocese of El Paso, Texas

For All the Saints:

For All The Saints is a Catholic ministry located in the diocese of El Paso, Texas. Their mission is to make authentic holy relics available to local parishes for feast days and other special occasions. If your parish wishes to borrow a relic or even sponsor a major veneration of several relics, contact us. We currently have over 170 relics, available for loan to local parishes.

First and Second Class Relics in Sealed Thecas

These relics are for use by local parishes in this area only.

    With Authentication Documents
  1. St. Agatha of Sicily, Virgin and Martyr - ex ossibus
  2. St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori - ex ossibus
  3. St. Andrew, Apostle and Martyr - ex ossibus
  4. St. Anne, Mother of Mary - ex ossibus
  5. St. Anthony of Padua - ex ossibus
  6. St. Anthony of Padua - ex pulvinari lapideo
  7. St. Augustine of Hippo - ex ossibus
  8. St. Barbara of Cagliari, Virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  9. St. Barbara of Nicomedia, Virgin and martyr - ex ulna brachi deptri
  10. St. Begga of Brabant - ex ossibus
  11. St. Benedict of Norcia - ex ossibus
  12. St. Benedict II, Pope – ex ossibus
  13. St. Blaise, Bishop and martyr - ex ossibus
  14. St. Catherine of Alexandria Virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  15. St. Catherine of Siena - ex ossibus
  16. St. Cecilia - ex velo
  17. St. Charles Borromeo - ex ossibus
  18. St. Christopher, Martyr – ex ossibus
  19. St. Clare of Assisi, Virgin and Founder - ex ossibus
  20. St. Clare of Montefalco - ex velo
  21. St. Cornelius, Pope and martyr - ex ossibus
  22. St. Crispin of Viterbo - ex habitu
  23. St. Cyriacus, Child Martyr - ex ossibus
  24. St. Dominic de Guzman - ex ossibus
  25. St. Dominic Savio – ex ossibus
  26. St. Edward the Confessor – ex ossibus
  27. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - ex corpore
  28. St. Elzear - ex ossibus
  29. Bl. Francesco Marta – ex capsa
  30. St. Francis of Assisi - ex cineribus
  31. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - ex corpore
  32. Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos - ex ossibus
  33. St. Francis Xavier - ex indumentis
  34. St. Gabriel Possenti - ex corpore
  35. St. Gemma Calgani, Virgin, Mystic - ex corpore
  36. St. Generosus, Martyr - ex ossibus
  37. St. Gerard Majella - ex ossibus
  38. St. Helena, Empress - ex ossibus
  39. St. Inbenia, Virgin and Martyr - ex ossibus
  40. Bl. Jacinta Marta – ex capsa
  41. St. John Berchmans - ex tela imbuta cineribus
  42. Bl. John Baptist Scalabrini - ex corpore
  43. St. John Bosco – ex ossibus
  44. St. John Chrysostom – ex ossibus
  45. St. John Mary Vianney - ex carne
  46. St. John Neumann - ex ossibus
  47. Bl. Jose Luis Sanches del Rio - ex ossibus
  48. St. Joseph of Cupertino - ex pallio
  49. St. Joseph Marello - ex ossibus
  50. St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin - ex pallio
  51. St. Jude Thaddaeus, Apostle and Martyr - ex ossibus
  52. Bl. Junipero Serra – ex ossibus
  53. St. Justa, St. Justinia, St. Enedina, Virgins and Martyrs - ex ossibus - multi-relic theca.
  54. St. Kateri Tekawitha - ex ossibus
  55. St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr - ex ossibus
  56. St. Leo I, the Great, pope and doctor of the Church - ex ossibus
  57. St. Louis IX, confessor and king - ex ossibus
  58. St. Lucifer, bishop and martyr – ex ossibus
  59. St. Lucy of Syracuse, virgin and martyr- ex ossibus
  60. St. Luke, evangelist - ex ossibus
  61. St. Lutgardis - virgin - ex indumentis
  62. St. Mansuetus, bishop - ex ossibus
  63. Bl. Mark of Aviano – ex ossibus
  64. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque - ex tela imbuta cineribus
  65. St. Maria Goretti, child martyr - ex corpore
  66. Bl. Maria Vicenta de Sta. Dorotea - ex pulvere corporis
  67. St. Mary Magdalene - ex ossibus
  68. St. Martin de Porres - ex ossibus
  69. St. Matilda of Saxony - ex ossibus
  70. Martin, Bl. Louis and Bl. Zelie - ex ossibus – multi-relic theca
  71. Bl. Miguel Agustin Pro, martyr - ex capsa sepulchrali
  72. St. Paul, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  73. St. Paul of the Cross - ex praecordis
  74. St. Peter of Verona, priest and martyr - ex ossibus
  75. Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - ex capsa sepulchrali
  76. St. Pio (Padre Pio) - ex tela imbuta sanguine
  77. St. Pius X (Pope Pius X) - ex corpore
  78. St. Raphael (Joseph) Kalinowski - ex ossibus
  79. St. Rose of Lima - ex ossibus
  80. St. Sebastian, Martyr – ex ossibus
  81. St. Simon, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  82. Spanish Amigonian Martyrs - ex tegumentis
  83. St. Stephen, Deacon and martyr - ex ossibus
  84. St. Teresa of Avila - ex veste
  85. St. Teresa of Jesus de los Andes - ex ossibus
  86. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) - ex indumentis
  87. St. Thomas, apostle and martyr - ex domo
  88. St. Thomas Aquinas - ex ossibus
  89. St. Vincent de Paul - ex carne
  90. St. Vincent of Zaragoza, deacon and martyr - ex ossibus
  91. St. William the Abbot – ex ossibus
  92. St. William of Monte Vergine - ex ossibus Relics of Our Lord
  93. Splinters from the True Cross
  94. Stone from the Cenacle (Upper Room) Without Authentication Documents
  95. St. Agnes, virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  96. St. Ambrose – ex ossibus
  97. St. Anastasia of Sirmium, martyr - ex ossibus
  98. St. Anthony of Egypt - ex ossibus
  99. St. Barnabas, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  100. St. Bartholomew, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  101. St. Basil, Doctor of the Church - ex ossibus
  102. St. Blaise, bishop and Martyr - ex ossibus
  103. St. Boniface, martyr - ex ossibus
  104. St. Camillo of Lellis - ex corde
  105. St. Caspar, St. Melchior, St. Balthazar – ex ossibus - multi-relic theca
  106. St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  107. St. Clement, pope and martyr - ex ossibus
  108. St. Conrad of Parzahm - ex capillis
  109. St. Cosmas and St. Damien, martyrs - ex ossibus - multi-relic theca
  110. St. Dismas - ex lignum crucis
  111. St. Donatius, martyr - ex ossibus
  112. St. Dorothy, virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  113. St. Dymphna, virgin and martyr – ex ossibus
  114. Bl. Francois de Laval, bishop - ex indumentis
  115. Bl. P. Enrico Rebuschini - ex indumentis
  116. St. Geltrude - ex indumentis
  117. St. Genesius - martyr - ex ossibus
  118. St. George - soldier and martyr - ex ossibus
  119. St. Germain Cousin, virgin - ex ossibus
  120. St. Gervase and St. Protase, martyrs – ossibus - multi-relic theca
  121. St. Gummarus (St. Gomer) - ex ossibus
  122. Bl. Giacomo Cusmano - ex indumentis
  123. Holy Innocents, martyrs – ex ossibus
  124. Bl. Imelda Lambertini, virgin – ex ossibus
  125. St. James Minor - apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  126. St. James Major - apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  127. St. Joachim, father of BVM – ex ossibus
  128. St. John - apostle and evangelist - ex ossibus
  129. St. John Baptist - ex ossibus
  130. St. John Baptist de la Salle - ex indumentis
  131. St. John Baptist de la Salle - ex ossibus
  132. St. John Gabriel Perboyre - martyr - ex ossibus
  133. St. Joseph, spouse of BVM – ex bacula
  134. St. Joseph of Cupertino - ex ossibus
  135. St. Leonard of Port Maurice - ex precordis
  136. St. Longinus the Centurion - martyr - ex ossibus
  137. St. Monica - widow - ex ossibus
  138. St. Mark the Evangelist - ex ossibus
  139. St. Martha of Bethany, virgin - ex ossibus
  140. St. Martin de Porres - ex ossibus
  141. St. Mary Euphrasia Peltier - ex ossibus
  142. Blessed Virgin Mary - ex velo
  143. Blessed Virgin Mary - ex sepulchro
  144. Blessed Virgin Mary - ex loco Annunciationis Beatae Mariae Virginis
  145. St. Matthew, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  146. St. Matthias, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  147. St. Monica – ex ossibus
  148. St. Nereus, martyr - ex ossibus
  149. St. Nicholas of Myra - ex ossibus
  150. St. Numinanda - martyr - ex ossibus
  151. St. Patrick of Ireland - bishop - ex ossibus
  152. St. Paul - in theca with St. Peter - apostles and martyrs - ex ossibus
  153. St. Pedro Maldonado - ex tela imbuta sanguine
  154. St. Peter, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  155. St. Philip, apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  156. St. Philip Neri - ex tela imbuta sanguine
  157. St. Philomena, virgin and martyr - ex ossibus
  158. St. Pius V, pope - ex ossibus
  159. Ven. Pius XII, pope - ex capillis
  160. Ven. Pius XII, pope – zucchetto
  161. St. Scholastica – ex ossibus
  162. St. Sixtus II, pope and martyr - ex ossibus
  163. Bl. Teresa of Calcutta - ex sanguine
  164. St. Therese of Lisieux - ex ossibus
  165. St. Thomas - apostle and martyr - ex ossibus
  166. St. Thomas Becket, martyr – ex ossibus
  167. St. Titus - bishop - ex ossibus
  168. St. Valentine, bishop and martyr - ex ossibus Relics of Our Lord
  169. Multi relic theca with relics of Christ - ex cuna, ex praesepis , ex crucis, ex flagellis, ex columna, ex clavo, ex sepulcro
  170. ex Praesepis
  171. ex Crucis
  172. ex Coronae Spinae
  173. ex Purpurae
  174. Large reliquary containing the following relics of Our Lord: S.Purpurae, S.Crucis, S.Tunicae Treverensis, S.Inncunabuli Aachen, S.Clavi, S.Lanceae, S.Col.Flag., S.Coronae Spinae, S.Spongiae, S.Funi Flag., S.Scal.Pilati, S.Tituli Crucis, S.Sindone, S.Sudarii
We also have numerous second class relic cards, too many to list here, that could, as with the relics above, be used for public veneration with permission of the ordinary. 

They have a relic chapel: 

They also have a sacred relics forum if you wish to discuss relics of saints with others online: 

National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi in San Francisco, California

The National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi is a place of sanctity, with holy relics of the Franciscan saints Francis and Clare of Assisi and Anthony of Padua.

Here is a link to the website for the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi:
Inside the Church
The church was recently rennovated.

Daily and Weekly Masses

Monday - Saturday 12:15
Sunday 11:00
Monday - Saturday
11:00 - Noon and by appointment

Pilgrimages, Tours & Events:


Fr John DeLaRiva, OFM., Capuchin, Rector
Chris A. Greenawalt, Manager
Father John:
Chris Greenawalt:
Online Store:

610 Vallejo Street
San Francisco, California 94133, USA

Shrine Church Hours:
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday

Shrine Chapel Hours:
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily
Telephone: 415-986-4557

Click link below to view map:

 View Map

The virtual tours are great.  They take a minute or 2 to load before they start.