Thursday, October 17, 2013

Poore Clares of Perpetual Adoration

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The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration are the keepers of many relics.
Saint Paul's Shrine is also located there.

List of Saints Relics in their Reliquary:

Blessed Elisabeth A. Seton Viol.
Ex cin.corp. (ashes of the body)
 Blessed Joannis Neumann, Ep.
Ex Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Joannis Brebeuf, SJ
St. Gabriel Lalemant, SJ
St Caroli Garnier, S.J.
“North American Martyrs”
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Paschalis Baylon Capuc.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Elisabeth Hung. Viol.
Ex. Ossibus  (from the bones)
St. Colettae, Virg.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Peregrine
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
Paton of Maligant Growths
St. Vincentii a Pauli Conf.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Luciae V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
B. Martin de Porres Conf. O.P.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
B. Martin de Porres Conf. O.P.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Joannis a Cruce, Conf. Doct.
Ex. Ossibus  (from the bones)
St. Mariae Goretti V.M.
Ex. Corporis (from the body)
St. Joannis M. Vianney
Ex Carne (from the flesh)
Also known as the “Cure of Ars”
St. Gabriel a Virg. Dolorosa Conf.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Gerard Majella, Conf. CSSR
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Antonii M. Pucci, Conf. O.S.M.
St. Augustine Ep. E.C.D.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Marthae, Virgin
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Hieron (Hierouijmi) Pr. C.D.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Gemma Galgani
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Dorotheae, V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Helene (Elena) Emp. Vid.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Anselm Epis. Doctoris
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Gemma Galgani Vir. Lucensis
Ex. Corpore (from the body)
St. Francissi de Salesii. E.D.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
B. Claudii de la Colombiere C.
Ex. Ossibus  (from the bones)
St. Cecilia V.M.
Ex Velo (Veil)
St. Bernadette Soubirous V.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Andrew Bobola C.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Charbel Makluf. C.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Alphonsus Lig. E.C.D. CSSR
St. Clementis M. Hofbauer, CSSR
St. Gerard Majella, CSSR
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Christophori
St. Peter Chanel
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Conradi a Parzham Conf.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Dominic O.P.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Dominic Savio Conf.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Frances X. Cabrini
Ex Carne (from the flesh)
St. Mariae Bertillae Boscardin
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Frances X. Cabrini Virg.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
 St. Joannis Bosco
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Blasius E.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Vir.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St John of the Cross, Conf. Doct.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
Bl. Claudi Columbiere Conf. SJ.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Teresa V. of Avila
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Teresiae a Jesu Inf., Virg.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
“The Little Flower”
St. Barbara V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St Thomae Aquinas
St. Pope Pius X
Ex Corpore (from the body)
St. Julianian Eymard C.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Agnetis of Assisi V.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Maria Goretti V.M.
St. Barbara V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St Margaret Mary Alacoque  
St. Bonaventure, Ep. C.D.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Anthony Padua , C. Doct.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Clarae Assisiensis, V.
Ex Indumentis (from the clothing)
St. Anthony Padua , C.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Agnetis, V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)  
St. Elisabeth of Hungary , Reg.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Joan Frances de Chantal, Viol.
Ex Capillus (from the hair)
St. Francis, St. Clare
Ex Cineribus (from the ashes)
St . Veronica de Gulianis Virginis
Ex Velo (veil)
St. Francis of Assisi
Ex Cineribus (from the ashes)
with several other Franciscan Saints in the relic case
St. Francis of Assisi
Ex Sepulcro (sepulcher) with several other Franciscan & Capuchin Saints in the case
Ex Mensae Coenae D.N.J.C.
(TABLE of the LAST SUPPER) of Jesus Christ Splinter from the TABLE.
Crucis (TRUE CROSS) D.N.J.C.
Ex. Ligno (splinter) from the True Cross of Jesus Christ
Crucis (TRUE CROSS) D.N.J.C. Ex.
Ligno (splinter) from the True Cross of Jesus Christ
Cunis D.N.J.C. Crib of Bethlehem of Jesus Christ
Splinter from crib.
Major and Minor Apostles who accompanied Jesus Christ
Mostly from the bones in one relic case.
St. Annae, Matris B.V.M.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. John the Baptist
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Lazarus E.C.
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
Ex. Coenaculum D.N.J.C.
From the house of the Last Supper
House of Loretto B.V.M.
Ex domo laurentana  
(splinter from the Blessed Virgin Mary’s house in Loretto)
St. Stephan,  Prot.
Coron. Spin. D.N.J.C. Splinter
of the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus Christ.
St. John the Baptist
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Thaddaei, Apostle
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
St. Paul , Apostle
St. Simon, Apostle
St. Jude, Apostle
Ex. Ossibus (from the bones)
Major and Minor Apostles who accompanied Jesus Christ Mostly
from the bones in one relic case.

 Here is a link to their website:

And here is their other contact information:

Poore Clares of Perpetual Adoration
4108 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44103

Phone: 216.361.0783


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